PICK Technology Limited 应用

老友記外賣到會專門店 2.0.1
QBOND (豐食PhonEat) App手機點餐系列 X 一代茶餐廳-《老友記》《老友記外賣到會專門店》 手機點餐app,公測版登場!位於觀塘成業街的《老友記》, 由2000年開業至今, 跟好多朋友一樣, 共同經歷了十幾年的經濟變化,環境的變遷,新與舊的更替.而作為區內一代食店, 更亦是外賣和到會的專家, 《老友記》不但對食物出品和服務信譽有著嚴謹的堅持態度外,更以挑戰價格極限為宗旨, 為大家細想多一點, 全因是溫情家庭式運作至今!舊雨新知, 並與時俱進,《老友記》為所有食客們帶來全新服務體驗,現在可透過《老友記》的手機應用程式Order外賣和到會服務,更可以透過此App隨時隨地得知《老友記》最新資訊和推廣優惠,令你和《老友記》連結在一起!記得推介比你身邊朋友哦!** 老友記手機apps由《QBOND》團隊聯合制作 **《QBOND》團隊: 活源企業有限公司 及 彼迪科技有限公司以下是《老友記》餐廳之簡介食牌NO.2551021578《老友記》於2000年成立,除堂食外,另專營外賣和大小到會及餐盒服務,擁有廚藝及經驗豐富的廚師團隊;對出品要求高,絕不先煮好,並冷藏至當日翻熱,令食物營養及鮮味流失。保證於外送當曰,即煮即送貨~確保食物夠熱~夠營養~-夠衛生~鮮味十足.同時亦非常注重外送時食物溫度控制,配套完善.業務範圍經營各式到會、套餐、茶會、船河、聖誕派對、新張誌慶、新春系列、父母親節、謝師宴、小小生日會、團體飯盒(餐盒服務,包含郊遊餐盒等)、承包公司伙食、等等另設:待應服務:最少兩位起,每位$400(4小時);額外服務時間,每人每小時另加$100‧保溫爐:每3小時$130,其後每小時另加$50我們的目標及方針:食物製作嚴謹,品質保證至上。挑戰價格極限,信譽永遠第一。QBOND (abundance of foodPhonEat) App Generation X series phone carte Restaurant - "Friends""Friends takeaway shop to be" mobile ordering app, betadebut!Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong's "Friends", by the 2000 openingdate, with a lot of friends, like the common experience of a decadeof economic changes, changes in the environment, the replacement ofold and new.And as a regional generation food shops, but is also a take-awayand to be an expert, "Friends" not only for the food produced andservice reputation with strict adherence to the attitude, but alsoto challenge the price limit for the purpose, as we reflect on alittle more, all due to the warmth family have operated!Old and new acquaintances, and the times, "Friends" for alldiners to bring a new service experience, is now available throughthe "Friends" Order takeaway mobile applications and services tothe meeting, but you can learn anytime, anywhere through this App"Friends "The latest news and promotional offers, so that you andthe" Friends "link together!Promote close friends than you remember, oh!* Friends Mobile apps from the "QBOND" team co-production**"QBOND" Team: live Enterprises Limited and Bidi Ke Technology Co.,Ltd.The following is a "Friends" restaurant's ProfileFresh brand NO.2551021578"Friends" was founded in 2000, in addition to dine-in, anotherfranchise takeaway and size to the meeting and lunch box service,with culinary and experienced team of chefs; pairs produceddemanding, never be cooked and chilled to date Reheat,The food nutrition and flavor loss. Assurance that when saidoutgoing, ready to cook food that is hot enough to ensure delivery~ ~ ~ enough nutrition - enough health ~ full flavor.It also attaches great importance to food when outgoing temperaturecontrol, complete and perfect.Scope of businessOperating various types to the meeting, set menus, tea party,River cruise, Christmas party, new Zhang Zhiqing, New Year series,parents festival, Teacher Appreciation Banquet, a small birthdayparty, group lunch (lunch box services, including picnic lunchboxes, etc.), contract catering company , etc.Separate:Services should be: at least two, the $ 400 per person (4 hours);additional service time per hour plus $ 100 ‧Holding Furnace: $ 130 per three hours, plus $ 50 per hourthereafterOur goals and objectives:Food production rigorous quality assurance first.Challenges price limit, credibility is always first.
麻將 1.5.0
★★★ 《麻將天下》總下載量高達380萬!★★★遊戲特色● 絕對獨創的麻將玩法十三張的麻將,無花,規則綜合了中國、台灣、日本規則的特色,打造出嶄新的麻將遊戲思維!遊戲從此不再局限於「混一色」、「對對胡」這些單調的組合裡,您可以隨著自己拿到的手牌,發揮智慧來隨機應變,結合多達47款不同變化胡型,嘗試「七對子」、「全帶么」、「五門齊」、「一色三同順」的組合,運用各種技巧,以最快、最強、最靈活的手段,與電腦對手一較高低!※有玩家指遊戲不能胡,很可能是他們沒讀過胡型規則,不夠分數便不能胡。詳細的胡型,請查看 http://www.pocketmj.com/info3.php● 成績統計、官位升級遊戲會一直記錄著玩家的成就和排行,隨時可以秀給朋友看自己吃了多少次的「大四喜」、「九子連環」、「十八羅漢」等等。還可以累積經驗升級,來當個達官貴人吧!● 華麗畫面,輕鬆操作畫面構圖以完全的華美中國風展現,使人眼前一亮。輕按麻將便會放大顯示,然後位上一推便可以打出,而其他碰上槓等常用指令,也到變成大大的按鈕放到中間,讓您絕不會點錯牌叫冤。
VF外送美食 1.0.6
VF外送美食Veryfood Canteen 外賣點餐應用程式本應用程式可供用戶查閱餐單,餐廳資訊,並提供外賣點餐等功能VF food deliveryVeryfood Canteen outside selling food applicationsThe applications available for users to access menus, restaurantinformation,And providing meals and other functions outside selling
Arcade World 1.0
Do you have dream to build a Arcade GameCenter?Come to manage your own Arcade Center and try to upgrade to 5Star.Develop your own arcade game and serve for your customer.Build specific combination games, will increase games popularand revenue.Hire talented staff and train them to develop their ability.When your center keep improve the grade, you should investdifferent project to expand your center, attach more customer andstaff.Work hard and you should reach the top of the arcade center onthe world!#### Highlight:- Building Arcade Games and Facilities- 5 star Arcade game center you should reach- Expand building limited as investment- Hire staff to increase popular and help to develop newgames- Develop own new Arcade games base on existing games- Over 100+ client waiting to reach your arcade game center- Try to reach 100% let all client be your fans- Hidden client and staff, should you see them? like Zombie,Hero... etc- Good combination increase your revenue and popular- See your sales report, are your arcade game center richnow?- finally, this is cute pixel art, we think you love it :DAvaliable language: Traditional Chinese and English
Magic Trick 1.0
Magic Tricks is an application forperformmagic,which can let you perform magic about soul by a fewsimplesteps.You can perform it for anyone to bring out a happilyambienceeasily.Magic Tricks do not require you any technique ormaterials,also you do not need to know how does magic work, you need amobilephoneand Magic Tricks only.Open Magic Tricks, click the tutorial at theright-bottomside,you can know the logic about Magic Tricks.Download it at once! You can also become a magician.
Text Emotion Keyboard 1.0
\^o^/The use of emotion icons (emoticon) can be traced back tothe19th century.(゜Д゜)Now you can use "Text Emotion Keyboard" on your Androiddeviceeasily for using our Text Emotion Keyboard.└(^o^)┘Let's come with enjoy emoticon as soon as possible now.(=^ ^=)Wish you enjoy it!\^o^/ ^o^y (^ω^)(^人^)If you have any suggestion and issues reporting, please feelfreeto send e-mail info@pick-tech.com to us. orVisitbelow online help URL.http://www.pick-tech.com/tek/help.htm(°ο°)
榮哥麻將會 1.1.0
Rong brother mahjong will accompany you happy New Year! Simple,approachable, fun, never downgrade!
Chinese Version Available Only FEATURE HIGHLIGHTS ●AbsolutelyUnique Mahjong Game The game uses 13 tiles of Mahjongwith noflowers. Our rule combines the characteristics of China,Taiwan andJapanese rule. A new era of Mahjong game playing nowbegins. Wecreated a brand new style of game-play thinking not onlylimited tothe tedious hands like "Mixed One Suit", "All Triplets".With therevolutionized rule, you now have totally 47 types ofwinninghands. You may pick the most efficient one(s) using yourwisdom tocreate the best, fastest and most flexible way to beat thecomputeropponents. ※ Some players reported that they cannot win.Pleaseread our rules first. Insufficient point of the hand cannotclaimto win. For details, check out the whole listathttp://www.pocketmj.com/info3.php (Chinese version only)●Statistics & Levels The game records every results of thegame.You are always ready to show your friends how greatyourachievements. You can easily tell how many times you got"GrandFour Happiness", "Superior Nine Chain", "Eighteen Lohan",etc. Youcan also gain experience to level up! ● ElegantIllustration &Easy Control You'll be blown away by thetraditional Chinese styleof graphics. We've designed the game tomake it simple and userfriendly. When you hold down on a tile, youcan see the enlargedview and with just a gentle push forward, thetile is played. Otherfrequently used actions are placed in thecenter of the screen asbig buttons. So you will never take anunexpected move withregrets.